Find out the difference between hay fever and the common cold and how to tell their symptoms apart.
Read about various over-the-counter medications used to relieve symptoms of allergies as well advice on how to choose the right product for you.
Discover tips for reducing your exposure to indoor allergens like dust mites, mold and animal dander.
Discover ways to reduce your exposure to outdoor allergens like pollen from trees, shrubs, grasses, and weeds, including ragweed.
Breathing is a vital function that we can take for graned. However, people with asthma know that breathing is a gift and that a chronic respiratory disease can affect your well-being. Find out how to control asthma for a better quality of life.
Various things can trigger acute asthma symptoms (asthma attack) or aggravate the disease. Here are a few tips for avoiding common asthma triggers.
Learn how to reduce your exposure to seasonal allergens and how your pharmacist can help you treat your seasonal allergies.
Learn the essential steps for using inhaled medication to ensure you get the proper dosage, whether it is a metered-dose or dry powder inhaler.