Depending on your destination, vaccination may be required or recommend before you leave. Find out how your pharmacist can help.
Find out how to prepare your health kit before you travel. Beyond the basic first aid kit, you may need non-prescription products and destination specific items.
Travelling while you are pregnant or breastfeeding is entirely possible with a bit of planning and research. Discover our tips for before and during your trip.
Learn how to plan ahead and deal with customs, security and border crossing inspections when you are travelling when you are travelling with medication or injections.
Discover our tips for travelling with diabetes. From trip prepartion to tips on medication transportation, your pharmacist can help you travel worry-free.
Discover our tips to avoid traveler's diarrhea and make the most of your vacation.
Learn how hepatitis A and hepatitis B can be contracted while traveling and how to prevent them.
Learn which sunscreen to choose and how to apply it correctly to avoid sunburns during summer.
Zika virus is a mosquito-borne illness that is especially of concern to pregnant women or women of childbearing potential de to the association with birth defects such as Gullain-Barre syndrome and microcephaly (abnormally small heads).
Contrary to popular belief, malaria does exist in the Caribbean, including parts of the Dominican Republic, as well as in other popular sun destinations. Malaria is a serious disease and travellers should do everything they can to avoid getting infected. Learn how your pharmacist can help.
Dengue fever is one of the most common mosquito-borne viral diseases in travellers returning from international destinations. Learn how to recognize dengue fever symptoms.
Insect and tick bites can hurt, become inflamed and also transmit disease, such as Lyme disease. Follow our tips to avoid ticks and insect bites as well as prevent Lyme disese.